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KNA collaborates with Louisville Metro Public Health Department and U of L School of Medicine Infectious Diseases Department to perform testing and administer COVID-19 vaccines - volunteers are needed

Posted over 3 years ago by Stephanie Smith

Kentucky Nurses Association collaborates with Louisville Metro Public Health Department and U of L School of Medicine Infectious Diseases Department to perform testing and administer COVID-19 vaccines

 Nurse and non-nurse volunteers are needed

 The Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA) is collaborating with the Louisville Metro Public Health Department and UofL School of Medicine Infectious Diseases Department to perform COVID-19 testing and administer vaccines.  Please sign-up today to volunteer your time to help.  On the sign-up form please list “KNA” as your organization.  See volunteer registration link:

 After registering to volunteer, please contact the KNA Testing Vaccine team at  Those nurses who register to volunteer and contact the KNA Team will be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.