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Tell the House Committee to Vote NO on House Bill 459

Posted 2 months ago by Kim Becker in Legislators

Think you can't advocate for nurses or nursing?  Think again.  The House Health Committee needs to hear from YOU today!  Tell them to vote no on HB459.

The KNA is an organization that advocates for and is the voice for ALL NURSES in Kentucky. We advocate for members and non-members alike and have done so since 1906. House Bill 459 would remove KNA's right to vet and submit candidates for 6 seats on the Kentucky Board of Nursing and would instead transfer the responsibility to 3 specialty organizations.

HB459 would negatively impact nurses and nursing in Kentucky because it forcibly concentrates positions of power within a few select specialties, dulling the impact and voice of those in other specialties or more generalized practice. It is important for a broader segment of nurses from a variety of professional and educational backgrounds to have the opportunity to run for and serve in positions of leadership within the licensing board.

Reach out to your legislators and the House Health Committee (members below) and tell them Vote NO on HB459.

HB 459 does not represent the best interest of Kentucky nurses.



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  House Health Committee members are:

·    Kimberly Poore Moser - (H) - Chair

·    Ryan Dotson - (H) - Vice Chair

·    Danny Bentley - (H)

·    Steve Bratcher - (H)

·    Josh Bray - (H)

·    Lindsey Burke - (H)

·    Emily Callaway - (H)

·    Adrielle Camuel - (H)

·    Robert Duvall - (H)

·    Deanna Frazier Gordon - (H)

·    Jacob Justice - (H)

·    Amy Neighbors - (H)

·    Felicia Rabourn - (H)

·    Rebecca Raymer - (H)

·    Steve Riley - (H)

·    Rachel Roarx - (H)

·    Scott Sharp - (H)

·    Lisa Willner - (H)

·    Susan Witten - (H)

House Bill 459 would also do away with the APRN Council. The Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN)'s mission is to protect consumers. It is the Kentucky Nurses Association (KNA)'s mission to serve nurses.

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