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Consider Running for a KNA Leadership Role – Applications Due June 30th!

Posted 3 months ago by Debbie Belt

KNA elections are on the horizon! KNA Members, if you are contemplating serving in a KNA leadership position, we’d like to encourage you to consider throwing your hat in the ring. The deadline to apply is June 30, 2024.  

Serving on KNA’s Board of Directors or any of the KNA Cabinets or Committees is a meaningful contribution to the nursing profession. It’s an honor to serve, and we thank all who are willing to do this important work for their fellow nurses.

Send Application - Consent to Serve form , CV and headshot to


  • Submission Deadline: June 30, 2024
  • Candidate Forum: July 18, 2024
  • Voting (Open to KNA Members): August 1 – 15, 2024

If you have questions about open positions, time commitments, or duties you can reach out to the KNA team by emailing with the subject line "Election Questions.

KNA open candidate positions - 2024

Open Positions: 

KNA Open Positions 2024-2026

Board of Directors

Board Of Directors-Treasurer

Board Of Directors-Director at Large

Board Of Directors-Director at Large

Educations & Research Cabinet

Education & Research Cabinet-CE Administrator

Education & Research Cabinet- Staff Nurse

Education & Research Cabinet-Researcher

Governmental Affairs Cabinet

Governmental Affairs Cabinet-Member At Large

Governmental Affairs Cabinet Member at Large

Governmental Affairs Cabinet Staff Nurse

Professional Nursing Practice and Advocacy Cabinet

Professional Nursing Practice and Advocacy Cabinet- Member at Large

Professional Nursing Practice and Advocacy Cabinet-Staff Nurse

Professional Nursing Practice and Advocacy Cabinet-Educator

Professional Nursing Practice and Advocacy Cabinet-Administrator

Professional Nursing Practice and Advocacy Cabinet-Educator

Ethics and Human Rights Committee

Ethics and Human Rights-Chair

Ethics and Human Rights Member at Large

Ethics and Human Rights Member at Large

Nominations and Elections Committee

Nominations & Elections-Member at Large

Nominations & Elections-Member at Large

Nominations & Elections-Member at Large

